Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amorphous Alarm

I...am confused.

It seems that with the shambles that the Bush administration has made of America; our economy in collapse, our reputation sullied around the globe, our military bogged down in an unnecessary war, and the civil liberties of our citizenry being trampled, that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party should be so far ahead that the dust would have settled behind them, and yet here, a month and a half before the election, the polls still show the race to be a dead heat.

How can this be?

Many blame racism, and I certainly think that there is a percentage of the population who simply will NOT vote for a black man. And for every one who admits openly to racist views, there are probably two who, when confronted with the choice in the privacy of the voting booth, may not be able to pull the lever for Obama.

But I think there is more to it. I think that many people are afraid of the changes they see in "their" America.

Since this country was founded, power has been held in the hands of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPS) {referring to being of European descent}.

Businesses, corporations and our government were controlled by WASPS, despite America being known as "the melting pot". Yes, many people from many nations came to the shores of this great land and many achieved "success". They started businesses, raised families and amassed wealth. BUT...they did not hold the reins of power. The largest corporations and for most of our nation's history, our government, has largely been run by white men. White people were the majority race in America so nobody saw this as a bad thing or even an inappropriate thing.

But the times, they are a-changin'. Data suggests that within a few generations, white people will no longer BE the majority. And I think it is THIS fear that hides itself in the subconscious of many white Americans. It isn't necessarily racism, but the uncomfortable sensation of losing the lead, no longer having the preponderance of numbers on their side, of in some sense, falling behind, being overtaken.

And Barack Obama personifies this shift.

The historical implications of electing a non-white as President of the United States are clear. But the emotional implications are more difficult to define, and are blanketed in fear amd denial. Many Americans who in no way consider themselves racist, are still probably feeling this uneasiness, this vague not-quite-able-to-put-their-finger-on-it anxiety. It isn't that they don't like Barack Obama, or don't think he is capable of being President, it is that he represents this sea-change shift. He puts a face to the wave that is coming. And the wave is scary.

It's a big change and change is frightening. Even when the place we are at stinks, the idea of changing is terrifying, especially when there is that subconscious concern that the tidal wave will drown you. That when things change, your life, or your children's lives, may be different in a not-so-pleasant way.

Now of course there is nothing to suggest that minorities are going to make life miserable for white folks when there are more of them than us. But it the uncertainly of that new world that is scary.

I don't justify this response, I'm just trying to wrap my head around why things are the way they are. I'm planning on voting for Obama because I believe in the future. Plus I've always been a risk-taker, so the uncertainty doesn't spook me as bad as it does others.

But I fear that the incertitude may cause many otherwise logical voters to pull the lever for the white guy, thinking perhaps, that it may be their last chance at maintaining the illusion that things are really not going to change.

Please....be brave, be bold, and vote for Barack Obama.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wail Street

It's been a real roller-coaster on Wall Street this week, with the Dow having historic drops and recoveries on the news of the federal government having to bail out some of the oldest and largest American financial institutions.

Many are wailing in despair, wondering what will happen next. Politicians are all making promises, most of which are overly optimistic, and some of which are either outright lies or more signs that McCain "just doesn't get it".

John McCain (who has co-opted Obama's "change" message) said on Thursday that a top Bush administration official should be fired for failing to regulate Wall Street and allowing markets to be used as a casino. McCain's blunt call for the firing of Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox allowed him to try to separate himself further from President George W. Bush at a time when Democrats want to portray McCain as a clone of the unpopular Republican leader.

It was also a bid to seize the initiative on the top issue for voters after Democratic rival Barack Obama accused McCain of being out of touch when he said this week the fundamentals of the reeling U.S. economy are strong.

"The chairman of the SEC serves at the appointment of the president and in my view has betrayed the public's trust," McCain said. "If I were president today, I would fire him."

Problem is, Presidents do not have the authority to fire the SEC chairman.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Weasel, Twelve Monkeys And The Shrub

I spent the last hour reading the words of a dead man.

It was a very moving experience.

The author was David Foster Wallace, who took his own life on Friday. What a tragedy, because this man really had a way with words.

The piece I read was written eight and a half years ago, as David followed John McCain during the 2000 election primaries. Despite the age of the piece, many of the points made about "going negative" in a campaign, and how voters are torn when trying to determine a candidate's authenticity, could have been written today.

The piece is so well written, that I was awed by his prowess with words and doubly saddened that this voice is now forever silent. And it made me wonder what has happened to the straight-talking man McCain was back then. Or if he even was, or was merely a good actor, putting on a show. And how applicable the lessons of that campaign are to 2008. How Americans say they hate negative advertising and yet are swayed by it. How dirty your opponent can get and lie their way out of. How complicit the media can be in giving us Spin.

So I ask you to please take the time to read this article, which was written for Rolling Stone. It won't make you vote one way or the other, but it will ask you to examine the way politics and the press are trying to manipulate you. Despite the positive way McCain is portrayed in the piece, I still plan to vote for Barack Obama, because I'm not sure McCain was ever that "authentic" and I certainly don't feel like he is now. I just enjoyed the magnificent writing so much, I wanted to share it with you.

PS, there's a glossary at the end explaining some of the abbreviations used in the piece.

The Weasel, Twelve Monkeys And The Shrub

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Must Read


For a candidate who prides himself in "straight talk" -- and whose political image in part is based on that truth-telling reputation -- Saturday proved to be a brutal day for John McCain and his campaign.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Fight Fire with Fire

There are several McCain/Palin commercials running now that are out and out lies. Barack Obama's team has sufficient resources to fight these lies.

His ad team should look at every ad put out by McCain's team and air a rebuttal. It's the only way to keep this stuff from sticking.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Double Standard

Since Sarah Palin's nomination as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, every attack against her has been labeled as "sexist"

Yet the same Republican party said that it was possible to disagree with Barack Obama without it being "racist".

I don't agree with Sarah Palin and it has nothing to do with sexism. I just don't like her policies.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What's That You Say, Joe Traitor-io?

Our nation turned its lonely eyes to you.

Then they laughed.

The Dems laughed at you for being a puppet of the Republicans. At least the ones who didn't want you shot for treason laughed.

And the Republicans? They're laughing at you too, Mr. Lieberman. Think they embraced you? Think again. If they pulled you to their bosom and put their arms around you, it was to make it easier to stick a knife in your back. They don't like you, they are just using you and you're too dumb to know it. They're not going to support you, they're not going to vote for you. You made a fool of yourself with your appearance at the Republican Convention. You betrayed the Democrats...and for what? Think McCain is gonna do you any favors? Don't hold your breath.